Helio Lab: Experiment Factory
Spring 2023
Week 14
What were your goals for this week?
This week I wanted to explore what type of life may just be sitting right under my nose here in Boulder. So I stuck around the Boulder Reservoir area, seeing what inhabits the area.
What did you accomplish, please reflect on your time management. What worked or didn't?
Great day to go out, and good to focus on a smaller area. There was plenty going on, and it was a nice ecological area that was set up by the water.
What was unexpected / what lessons did you learn?
I did not expect to find Ospreys, before doing research I though they were exclusively a sea-faring bird species, but apparently their range extends quite far in North America, including the beautiful breeding pair currently calling Boulder home.
Photo1- Doggie Dog
Photo2 - Red Wing on Cattails
Photo3- Mom and Dad
Photo4- Osprey taking flight
Week 13
What were your goals for this week?
This week I went east of Denver with pronghorn antelope as my primary target, there were many birds as well. Also in that area is the Buckley Space Force Base, and I got to witness some military jets takeoff.
What did you accomplish, please reflect on your time management. What worked or didn't?
I set out to find a specific subject, and located sightings using the iNaturalist app on my phone and using people's sightings I was able to locate where these animals frequent.
What was unexpected / what lessons did you learn?
Using the app, and other community-based wildlife sighting maps has been a big help. Also, in that area is the Buckley Space Force Base, and I got to witness some military jets takeoff.
Photo1- Pronghorn Antelope
Photo2 - Robin's beak needs a trim
Photo3- Cooper's Hawk
Photo4- F-16 leaving Buckley SFB
Week 12
What were your goals for this week?
This week I got a Colorado State Parks Pass and went to Eldorado Canyon and some of the surrounding area.
What did you accomplish, please reflect on your time management. What worked or didn't?
Nothing really extraordinary this week, mostly bird photos. Which is a mild disappointment, but still nice to go out.
What was unexpected / what lessons did you learn?
I'm getting to the point where its difficult to locate and capture new subjects, making the easiest and most abundant target my captures for the week. Animals that I still want to capture are the Moose, Pronghorn Antelope, and maybe Bears.
Photo1- Hawk and Raven
Photo2 - Red Winged Black Bird
Photo3- Northern Shoveler
Week 11
What were your goals for this week?
This week was CU Boulder's Spring Break, I took myself and my camera out to hunt Alces Alces, the Moose. There are estimated to be 2,000-3,000 Moose in the State of Colorado, so finding them is not easy.
What did you accomplish, please reflect on your time management. What worked or didn't?
In two trips looking specifically for Moose I found No Moose, which is disappointing, but not unexpected.
How did you integrate feedback?
I'm focused on continuing the project for right now so making sure that I had some fun injected into the process is important to avoid burnout.
What was unexpected / what lessons did you learn?
Moose are impossible to find, using many wildlife sighting apps and databases did not help in my hunt, but I did learn a lot about the habitats they like to frequent. Brushy areas with water or streams are the best.
Photo1- One Deer
Photo2 - Herd of Deer
Photo3- Herd of Elk
Photo4- End o' Valley
Week 10
What were your goals for this week?
I was told to go to the Golden area to explore for wildlife, specifically in Genesee Park and Lookout Mountain.
What did you accomplish, please reflect on your time management. What worked or didn't?
I made a nice day trip of it this past Sunday and my girlfriend and I had a great time looking for signs of wildlife and exploring the Golden area. I got the chance to make subject of the Black-billed Magpie, which we don't have in Missouri so they're still pretty cool to me.
How did you integrate feedback?
I've been taking suggestions on where to travel to in order to find wildlife, there were some encounters that I had on this trip. So always looking for more advice.
What was unexpected / what lessons did you learn?
There was a lot people out on Sunday, large numbers of people, especially when they have pets with them does not make for ideal wildlife viewing company. Maybe there is something to the whole "be quiet while fishing" thing .... go figure.
Photo1- Magpie Perched
Photo2 - Magpie strutting
Photo3- Pose
Photo4- Tri-Tree
Week 9
What were your goals for this week?
This week I wanted to capture Bison specifically, so I set off for the Arsenal National Wildlife Refuge. We are the CU Buffaloes after all, Sko Buffs!
What did you accomplish, please reflect on your time management. What worked or didn't?
Arsenal National Wildlife Refuge was a great place to spend my session this week, it was nice to go somewhere that I knew would have some form of wildlife all ready for me.
How did you integrate feedback?
This week was all about printing and moving towards that process. There's a lot of information to ensure a print is just right, but I'm confident this is achievable.
What was unexpected / what lessons did you learn?
I think that at the Wildlife Refuge there is a Bison rehab or breeding program, they had free range of this large fenced in area, which you could enter at certain locations by driving over cattle grates. They are wild animals without a doubt, but they were certainly aware of and calm around the road.
Photo1- Two Bison
Photo2 - Bison Profile
Photo3- Buffalo with the Flo'
Photo4- North America's Littlest Falcon: The American Kestrel
Week 8
What were your goals for this week?
This week I got a slightly more powerful lens that I rented from the Norlin Library, so I set out to look for wildlife up towards Loveland, CO.
What did you accomplish, please reflect on your time management. What worked or didn't?
I once again got up and at 'em early this Thursday morning, I was looking specifically for Bald Eagles near some of the lakes in Loveland. That did not go as well as I had hoped so I continued the trip back to my proverbial honey hole in Estes Park.
How did you integrate feedback?
This week I was just happy to get back to my photography habit, without any travel or illness to derail my plans it was nice to go out and appreciate the ritual and nature.
What was unexpected / what lessons did you learn?
Some of my photos this week are of Big Horn Sheep, which at first I falsely Identified as Mountain Goats, so we learned a little bit about the taxonomic classification of hooved mountain dwellers. Also I learned quite a bit about their desire for the salt on the roads.
Photo1- Bucks Trucking
Photo2 - Mom n' Baby look away
Photo3- Mom n' Baby look at you
Photo4- Craving that Mineral
Photo5/6- Tongue in / out
Week 7
What were your goals for this week?
This week I continued to focus on wildlife photography, mostly local birds and small wildlife in the North Boulder area.
What did you accomplish, please reflect on your time management. What worked or didn't?
This week I fell ill and had to make some adjustments to my plan, I couldn't take a long trip on my usual day out. So instead I focused on getting a healthy walk, with my camera in hand, near the Wonderland Lake area.
How did you integrate feedback?
I took some of the feedback from the process presentation and applied it to my photoshops this week. Main change, using layer masks to slightly highlight the photo's subject.
What was unexpected / what lessons did you learn?
Birds are small and fast, not ideal subjects, which made some of the captures all the more rewarding. Dealing with natural obstacles in my shots has not been a problem, but this week a few photos were subpar due to branches in the way etc.
Photo1- Townsend's Solitaire
Photo2 - Female House Finch
Photo3- Western Conifer Seed Bug
Photo4- Campus Squirrel
Photo5- Crow spread eagle
Week 6
Photo1- View back to the Plains near Mt. Evans
Photo2- RMNP from Devil's Gulch
Week 5
What were your goals for this week?
This week I wanted to continue doing wildlife photography, because patience is key in situations like this. I traveled up to Estes Park to capture wildlife in and around Rocky Mountain National Park.
What did you accomplish, please reflect on your time management. What worked or didn't?
Going out early in the morning was the biggest time management change this week, which worked phenomenally in my favor. When working with subjects that don't adhere to a schedule, you have to make yourself available to see them.
How did you integrate feedback?
Like last week I was fully prepared to see no wildlife, fortunately I got very lucky with the animal encounters I got to have this week
What was unexpected / what lessons did you learn?
Maintaining your distance and being calm, there was no trouble with any wildlife on this trip. If you spot an animal, its more than likely that they spotted you first, wild animals always have the home field advantage.
Photo1- Bob-Kitty-Cat
Photo2 - Hungry Elk
Photo3- Eagles vs Ravens
Photo4- Yearling Mule deer
Week 4
What were your goals for this week?
This week's goals were to go and capture some of Colorado's extensive wildlife, both near me and on an expedition to Idaho Springs and Mt. Evans.
What did you accomplish, please reflect on your time management. What worked or didn't?
This week I went out for a short trip near me on Thursday, and captured prairie dogs and some birds. My girlfriend wanted to come with me to Mt. Evans so we made a nice day trip out of it on Saturday.
How did you integrate feedback?
The feedback to have a backup plan in case wildlife was not cooperative was helpful, that's why I went out on Thursday too.
What was unexpected / what lessons did you learn?
Although Mt. Evans is beautiful, it was devoid of life the day we went, so always being prepared for the worst was the best lesson this week.
Photo1- View from Route 103
Photo2 (Left) - Mean Doggie
Photo3 (Right)- Hungry Doggie
Photo4- Looking Longingly
Photo5- Male House Finch
Week 3
What were your goals for this week?
This week my goals were to go out and explore the Boulder area for nature-based inspiration, then edit my captures.
What did you accomplish, please reflect on your time management. What worked or didn't?
I actually accomplished more than I thought I would and produced 5 compositions that I think are interesting, I actually got out for two sessions of capture so that was very beneficial. A good edit takes 1/10th the time of great capture.
What was unexpected / what lessons did you learn?
In some instances with the bad weather, I felt like my captured shots were subpar. In this B/W Flatirons photo, it was a hazy windy day with snow blowing everywhere and it made anything too far away seem unfocused and washed out. In the spirit that our mistakes are the answer, I made my edit play off those elements instead of combatting them.
Photo1- Flatirons in B/W
Photo2- Speed Limit ?
Photo3- Bend in road, removed all signs
Photo4- Turkey Rider
Photo5- Aspens and Pines overlayed
Week 2
What topics / media are you considering to experiment with this semester?
This semester I am going to work with photography and photo-editing techniques. I am also interested in experimenting with physical means of photo distortion and editing. I will be using a Nikon D3200 that I have been playing and learning with this week generously lent to me by my wonderful girlfriend.
What structure will your work take to create ritual / milestones?
My schedule this semester should allow me to have enough time on either M/W/F for long sessions of capture and editing. So I am hoping to make it a ritual to go out on one of those days and review / edit on another.
What form will your documentation take?
This blog organized by week, which will be more media heavy once I have more to showcase / when I get that SD card reader from Mr. Bezos.
What resources are you planning to use to support your learning process? (i.e. tutorials, resources, etc.)
There's always great tutorials online and on YouTube for the Adobe Suite, and I'm interested in stencils and painting for physical post-photo edits which would let me explore Illustrator more, I need to look into those techniques.